

New York University School of Law’s Learning Innovation and Design (LID) group is a multi-modal team focused on enhancing the pedagogical approach to legal education, concentrated at the nexus of design, technology, and innovation.

Composed of learning experience (LX) designers, instructional technologists (ed tech), software engineers, research scholars, and mixed-media creatives, LID serves the NYU Law community through its support of distance learning, executive education, course design, program delivery, faculty consultancy, technology work-shopping, and custom media production.

Collaborating with various Law School departments and Centers in the community, and in partnership with Law IT Services and the Media Production team empowers, LID empowers the greater legal education community and further enhances NYU’s innovative brand.

New York University School of Law sigil

Who We Are

LID is a team of designers, engineers, scholars, consultants, and artists dedicated to the NYU Law culture and driven to pursue the best-in-class approaches to legal education, digital products and learning experiences.

What We Do

LID works with faculty, administrators, legal centers, and external clients to identify problems, ideate roadmaps to success, and develop novel solutions to contemporary challenges in education, technology, and law.

What We Offer

LID offers a variety of services from bespoke and end-to-end course design and program development, mixed-media production, web-application development, consultation, and faculty training.